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A large boat carrying the ancestors to the afterlife. Used on ceremonial altars by the Ewe of Togo. To communicate, liquids and dyes are poured over the boat. lenght. 58cm. Height. 17 cm.
Wooden planks used in rows to support the beds of the Sonray-people of Northern-Mali. Well-decorated. H. apprx. 60 cm.
A small wooden marionette, representing a fish. Used in performances of the Bozo-fishermen. Polychrome paintings. Dim.40 x 21 cm. Mali.
A well-used fetish, placed on family-altars to consult with the ancestors. To do this liquids and indigo-dye are poured over this couple. To make the "bond" between husband and wife more strong locks are attatched to this fetish.H. 22 cm. Fon, Togo.
Large buffalo-marionette, used in performances by the Bozo of Mali.L.183cm.On steel socle.
Set of flying birds, given to a decorated farmer; “meillieur cultivateur”. L. 56cm. Senoufo,Ivory Coast. On steel socle.
"Magic scroll" ; a folded parchment with magical and spiritual drawings, ment to protect the bearer. 12 parchment pages with biblical texts on both sides. Decorated with 7 drawings. L. 97 cm. Orthodox-Christian. Ethiopia.
Two Neolithic grindstones, 35 and 46 cm. long with extra tools, used to grind wheat or maize or to grind hematite for its ocre colour. Northern-Mali/Sahara.
"Asin"- staff used on ancestral altars. Made of sheet-metal and representing a tribal chief. H.93 cm. On steel socle. Fon, Benin.
Three wooden finials, worn on top of chief staffs or umbrella's. Covered in goldpaper. H. 28-34 cm. Ashanti, Ghana.
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