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Other wooden objects
Altarpiece used on an family- altar to communicate with the ancestors. The woman represents the deity "Mami Wata", protector of men. Polychrome painting. Boat also made of wood. H. 25 cm., lenght 26cm. Ewe, Togo.
Large, polychrome marionette, used in public performances by the Bozo of Mali. Lenght; 115 cm. Height 95 cm. (incl. steel socle).
Two wooden writing-boards, used to learn Arabic in Islamic madrasa's. from the Bale-region of Southern-Ethiopia. H. apprx. 40 cm.
Wooden hippo, worn on the back, during processions and carnavals. Painted and with straps. Bidjogo, Guineé-Bissau.L 52 cm. On steel socle.
Large wooden gravemarker from the Wolliso-region of Ethiopia. With phallic symbol on the head. Lenght; 176cm. ( 40 cm. wide) On steel socle.
Roomdivider, used in large huts in rows, h.153 cm., On steel socle. Gurage, Ethiopia
5 Wooden staffs of different designs.Used in traditional dancing ceremonies in the Bobo and Lobi community. L. 47-63 cm.Burkina Faso.
Large decorated box for keeping porcelain cups for the coffee-ceremony. L. 67 cm. Gurage. Ethiopia.
Stick-marionette used in performances. H. 66 cm. Bozo. Mali. On steel socle.
Two ceremonial staffs,the large one from the royal ciry of Abomey. The smaller one is a priest's staff, representing the god Shango. H. 38-46 cm. Fon, Benin.
Brightly painted bench-back. From the period of Haile Selassi ( pre-1974). Ambo-region. West-Ethiopia. l.191 cm.
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